Sunday, 17 May 2009

Buying an old motorboat on ebay

the two hulls I saw... one i brought on left... looks like it had a car stereo once...

The engine that came with.... A 400cc 2 stroke from the 70's/80's.... no idea on HP, at this early stage a wild guess at 30... My old air cooled GT500 Suzi motorbike was a touch more if I remember ...the only number on the head is D23... compression is good. final drive stuck in Forward gear, cant get N or Reverse .. a strip down likely, but engine may be obsolete..

Inside the boat, cut areas of the deck visible (front and along right).. the exterior paint been 'flatted' already..
(I have since learned that the internal deck could be part of the hull structure.I hope it isnt though)

the 'Boathouse' - this is where the boat should spend some time over the coming months

the spares.. bits of the deck, chopped out :( ??? , a battery box, some thick cable, paddles, a large boat cover, the main outer rubber trim.. engine cover etc..

at home.. Xantia TD made easy work really.. boat is not heavy.

The trailer axle as removed 10 miles into the 100 mile journey home.... A call at my friend Jim's house and we set about finding out what was what.... A curbed trailer and a bent axle... we attempted straightening it many times...different methods... in the end it was too tough..(also Seized bolt to the left)...after a couple of hours we surrendered, and twisting it 180° made for a huge improvement. . - the trailer tracked perfectly the rest of the journey home The Offside indicator gave out after about 50 miles.. performing RH turn signals on a busy M25 at 60mph, in the rain, were great :)

The trailer that came with the boat I brought.. a bent stub-axle, bolted to a single transverse leaf spring, caused the trailer to sit about 1/2 a meter to the right when pulling behind the xantia... roundabouts were testing....

I passed on this boat, a fletcher I think.. and went to see/buy the other boat on my list.. in landlocked Milton Keynes... first problem was a trailer that hung out a long way to the right ...

A 'leg'.....useful for getting drive from a motorbike engine, down to and below the waterline...

trailer shown was not an option, free or otherwise

The first boat I went to see..... work needed throughout... basically a £free hull.. the deck and everything else (including engine and trailer) would be required....

Here is a few pics and notes concerning an ebay aqquisition I made in mid May 2009. The original advert was for a boat, an outboard, and a trailer. The boat was an unknown model, and completely bereft of trim, screen, metalwork, seats..
I originally thought of buying a boat because as I have a honda 110hp V4 VFR800 motorcycle engine sitting idle in the shed, needing a home... I have since quickly given up that idea...

On route to buy the boat I visited a boat yard, to see another shell, a very cheap one, and also to chat to thhe owner of the yard to get some ideas..

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